So you’ve got a square-shaped bum and you’re not feeling the rounder look? Well, we don’t blame you. It’s hard to find the perfect pair of jeans when your shape is different than what they’re used to! We’ve got some tips on how to change it up and get the clothes that’ll make you feel like the best version of yourself.
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Causes and Issues of Weak Glutes
The most common cause of a weak glute is sitting. Sitting for prolonged periods reduces the production of an enzyme called lipase. Lipase is responsible for breaking down fat cells in your body, so when it’s not being produced, you’re more likely to have a low number of fat cells and less fat-burning capability.
Your glutes are a powerful set of muscles that keep your hips, spine, and pelvis in a stable position. Whether you’re running or going downstairs, they’re constantly working to stabilize your hips and joints. Since the glutes don’t have a great deal of muscle tissue, however, the more force you put on them, the more likely they are to become weaker! A lot of people start with weak glues and never learn how to activate them properly leading to quad dominance and hamstring dominance, which creates muscle imbalance.
Do bubble butt exercises work?
With a little luck and a lot of hard work, you can change the shape of your bum. It’s not easy, but it doesn’t have to be painful either. The key is working out not just your thighs and bum, but also your stomach and upper body. A nutritional overhaul is important too – consume more healthy fats, complex carbs, and lean proteins to sustain an energy-building metabolism.
How to turn square glutes into round glutes?
You’ve probably noticed that when you work out your glutes, the exercises are pretty standardized. You might do squats, lunges, hip thrusts. All of these are great for shaping your butt! But the problem is, they’re only effective if you are doing them consistently. This can be tough to manage because while some people love working out every day, others don’t have the time or motivation to commit to a strenuous workout routine more than once or twice a week.
Buttocks are not just for show! They’re an important part of your body and come with many benefits. These benefits include better posture, increased metabolism, relief from chronic pain, and more. However, these benefits don’t come without work. Buttocks require lots of muscle building (aka lifting heavy weights) and targeted workouts to see the results you want.
How to get rid of a square butt naturally?
One of the best ways to have a naturally round bum is by building up your glute muscles. Exercise different parts of the butt- there are three major muscles in the gluteal region, including gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus. If you want to better target these muscles, make sure you include exercises that work all three of them.
A round bum is a sign of a healthy lifestyle. So if you’re looking for a way to work on your fitness and shaping up your booty, add in exercises targeting the largest glute muscle- the Maximus.
Bubble butt exercises for the Gluteus Maximus
How to turn a square bum into a round one?
To increase the size and strength of your gluteus maximus, you must employ the progressive overload principle. Train with the right exercises designed to target this muscle group, make sure you have good glute activation, and finally have the correct rep scheme, weight load, and time under tension.
You can’t isolate your butt muscle (the gluteus maximus) because it runs into the hamstrings, but some exercises will do a better job of targeting the butt and making big compound lifts more butt-focused. For each exercise below we’ll teach you how to tailor it to work those glutes, so you get as much activation as possible in your butt muscles.
- Squats
Squats are one of the best exercises for your lower body. They’re great for your glutes and working out other areas like your quads. You can squat in different ways to work out different parts of your butt – try side squats, Bulgarian side split squats and jumping squats! Every variation of a squat will work your glutes, so try them all.
- Deadlifts
The sumo deadlift has become more popular in recent years because it offers a different set of benefits than the conventional deadlift. The sumo deadlift that called “sumo” because your stance is wide, with your toes pointing out to the sides. It creates an external rotation at the hip, which stimulates the gluteus maximus muscles to work even harder than they would in a conventional deadlift.
The first step of a deadlift is to stand with the weight on your toes and then bend over. You want to maintain a straight back and rounded spine as you bend, not an arched one. The bar should stay as close as possible to the ground as you pull it up.
Slowly contract your glutes at the top of the movement before lowering down as slowly as possible. Keep your back straight, and don’t allow it to round over.
- Hip Thrusts
The hip thrust is a great exercise for those looking to target their glutes, as it allows you to contract the gluteus maximus with incredible tension. To perform this movement, one must lie face down on the floor and then lift their hips into the air until they are in a straight line from head to toe. Make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your toes are facing forward. From here, slowly bring your hips down towards the ground so that you create a 90-degree angle between your thighs and upper body. Hold this position for a second before continuing to repeat this motion.
One of the most effective exercises for improving glute activation is hip thrusts! Studies suggest that this exercise provides significantly more glute activation than any other exercise, and due to the lack of stretching tension on the muscle it will also help prevent future injuries.
- Weighted Step Ups
Steps ups are one of the best exercises you can do for your legs and glutes. However, if you’re looking to specifically target your gluteus maximus, then it’s time to step up higher. A higher platform will allow you a greater range of motion which is what you need to fully engage that strong, stretchy muscle! So go ahead, get yourself a nice tall box or bench and start stepping up high for all those sexy glutes!
You don’t have to start with a very high step up but try to do higher steps as you progress. Even with a lower step-up, your glutes will be working. If you want to get the most out of this exercise, remember to squeeze your butt muscles when you push off the ground.
When performing weighted step-ups, it is important to focus on the muscles that are being worked, namely the glutes. To do this, make sure you push up by the heels of your feet, not the balls of your feet. Also, move slowly on both the eccentric and concentric phases while concentrating on your glutes. For even more muscle activation, try using a higher step-up.
- Bulgarian Split Squats
One of the best things about either the Bulgarian split squat or the regular split squat is that they help you to work on muscle imbalances. What’s even better is that in both cases, it also activates your gluteus maximus at the same time because it requires more hip stability. That means you can train both sides even if you tend for one side to be stronger than the other.
One way to make split squats even more effective than Bulgarian split squats is by using heavier weight loads. The problem with Bulgarian split squats is that you won’t typically go too heavy, and you will typically use dumbbells; this can be frustrating because it limits how hard you can push yourself, but when performing split squats in the squat rack with a barbell, you can achieve around 50% or so of your back squat max working weight.
- Kneeling Squats
This exercise is a must if you’re struggling with activating your glutes during squats. We all know that this is a problem for most people, and even though it might be a more lady-friendly exercise, men who are not embarrassed to do this exercise will notice an improvement in their back squats. This is a must after doing squats, as it will improve your recruitment of the muscle fibers needed to activate your glutes.
Starting from a seated position with your butt touching your calves, extend your hips forward and squeeze your glutes as hard as you can. This is a great way to do some isolated glute work on a day that you’re not doing any heavy deadlifting or squatting.
Gluteus Maximus Exercises At Home
If you do not use weights or if you prefer to do bodyweight exercises, you can still train your gluteus maximus effectively. You have to focus on the methods that apply to bodyweight training, which includes adding more volume to your workouts.
You don’t need a gym to take up the weight load. If you don’t have free weights at home, there are still ways to make your bodywork. The first way is to use something to increase the pressure on your body by lifting it. You could pack a backpack full of books, grab a gallon jug from the fridge or go outside and pick up a rock from your yard. You can gradually increase the weight this way if you have a scale handy.
As with training at the gym, you need to focus on the right exercises to make progress. Below are some of my favorite gluteus maximus building exercises that you should consider incorporating into your workouts. Remember to focus on a full range of motion, maximizing tension within your upper body, and performing sets with an adequate amount of time under tension – maximum time is around 45-60 seconds for most people when using their body weight as resistance.
Gluteus Minimus Exercises And Muximos
- Squats with a resistance band
Resistance bands are a great way to add weight when you’re working out at home. Adding this type of band around your stuff, like shoes or books, will provide the resistance necessary for training your gluteus minimus muscles. Use these workout essentials in your routine to see better results!
- Side leg lifts
Side leg lifts are a great move to add to the end of your strength workout when you’re feeling exhausted. These types of exercises engage the hip flexor muscles which in turn will then engage your gluteus minimus (back of your butt) and also your core. The perfect way to feel good like new again!
- Fire hydrants
Whether you’re a fitness buff or just starting, fire hydrants are an essential move for a round bum. This move targets the gluteus medius and minimus two siblings of the more popular gluteus medius. The glutei medius and minimus are the ones that tend to be more difficult to work into your routine during more traditional weight lifting. That’s where the fire hydrant comes in
- Glute Bridge
A glute bridge is a great beginner move that can be performed easily at home. The glute bridge targets all three of your glutes, and the best part – it doesn’t even require any extra weights! This move can also isolate the glutes, meaning that you’re not just adding mass to your bum but your thighs as well.
- Curtsy Lunges
This exercise is a modified lunge that concentrates on the inner and outer thighs, as well as the rest of your legs and glutes. Adding lateral movements to a leg workout routine will help to target different muscle groups, challenge your stability and improve core strength more than a traditional squat.
- Single-Leg Glute Bridges
This exercise is a fantastic way to focus on the muscles that work hard for you during everyday life. Your hip extensors stabilize your body and keep it in a strong, healthy position while also providing added power when you need it. Strengthening these muscles will allow your joints to have more stability and support throughout the day, this will help prevent injury.
How often should I train my glutes?
Working out your butt muscles just twice a week will lead to better results! Studies show that two workouts per week are significantly more effective for hypertrophy. The gluteus maximus, or “glutes” as they are commonly called, make up the largest muscle group in the lower body and are often overlooked by even experienced weightlifters. Make sure you’re hitting them at least once a week with exercises like squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and Bulgarian split squats.
Can you train your glutes every day?
It depends on what type of workout plan you are doing to determine how often you should train your glutes. If you are just trying to maintain your current fitness level, then it might be ok to train your glutes every day. But if you are looking to make quick progress in the gym or completely transform your body, then training them more than once or twice a week may not be the best idea.
When it comes to improving your gluteus maximus, you need to make sure you are working hard enough. As always, this means you need to overload the muscle group during each workout session. The best way to do this is by doing exercises that will kick your glutes into shape! If you’re able to work them out more than once a week, then you’re giving them the attention they need for improvement.
Gluteus maximus streches
Your gluteus maximus muscles are important for keeping your body stable and balanced. These muscles get used a lot when the exercises you do put a lot of pressure on them like squats or deadlifts, so make sure to stretch them out after your workout or on your off days. Doing this will help relieve tightness and tension, increase flexibility and range of motion, and prevent injury.
The importance of nutrition for glute isolation exercises
Building a bubble butt is no joke. But seriously, working out and eating right is the key to getting the muscle definition you crave. One of the main things you need to remember is to make sure that you’re eating enough protein every day – this will help your muscles recover for their next workout. To figure out how much protein you need, just take your weight in pounds and divide it by two. That’s how many grams of protein you should be eating per day.
Check also this useful article about hip dips workout
So, can I get rid of the square butt?
Want a better bum? You can’t just work on the glutes with any old exercise you find online. To work your way to an improved derrière, you need to lift and focus on building muscle. It’s not as easy as doing a few squats and expecting an instant change, but once you put in the time and effort for a few weeks, you’ll see results